Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Drug Profile Paper - 1105 Words

Drug Profile Paper University of Phoenix PSY/425 March 22th, 2012 Drug Profile Paper This paper will illustrate several aspects of how drugs affect our lives. Addiction philosophies including the psychology and physiology will be explained in an attempt to describe how drugs affect our bodies both physically and mentally. Secondly, different drug categories types will be covered including: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens, and cannabis. Each of these categories has different addiction potentials and effect levels including withdrawal symptoms. Finally, the abuse of prescription drugs and their effects will be discussed. Addiction is primarily psychological although addiction can be defined as the physiological†¦show more content†¦With this dependence, users must increase the dosage to gain the same effect. Some signs of narcotic abuse are analgesia, sedation, shallow breathing, slurred speech, and or/confusion. Withdrawal symptoms are usually severe and can be seen as early as 12-14 hours after the last dose. Symptoms of Narcotics withdrawal are irritability, craving, runny nose, muscle aches, and anxiety. Along with the previously mentioned symptoms are many complications such as infections, pneumonia, seizures, and constipation. (Zwanger, 2010) According to Doctor Parish, hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that cause an alteration in perception, thought, or mood. A rather heterogeneous group, these compounds have different chemical structures, different mechanisms of action, and different adverse effects. Despite their name, most hallucinogens do not consistently cause hallucina tions, which are defined as false sensations that have no basis in reality. Often, they are more likely to cause changes in mood or in thought than actual hallucinations. (Parish, 2011) Hallucinogens have very specific symptoms that pose a particular physical risk. These include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, tremors, seizures, and even coma. In regards to withdrawal from the use of hallucinogens, these drugs do not seem to be physically addictive but may pose a psychological threat to users because theyShow MoreRelatedA Study On Clinical Practice1222 Words   |  5 Pagesnew combination of medicine or active ingredients, C) new route of administration, D) new drug delivery system and/or E) An established medicine to be used in a new population of patients.’’ (MHRA, 2009) This symbol is included in the early BNF monograph and SPC/PIL of the medicine when it was new to the market. When a medicine is new to the market more information about the safety and efficacy of the drug is required by the MHRA. Although prior to the medicine gaining a marketing authorisationRead MoreA Research Study On Cancer Essay1425 Words   |  6 Pagesregimen’s toxicity profile. Currently, a gap exists in that toxicity profile: patient reported outcomes. 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