Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on The Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci - 2518 Words

The Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci Who was Amerigo Vespucci? This is a question I asked myself as I was researching the man credited with the discovery of the new world. Much information has been written about Christopher Columbus and very little about Amerigo Vespucci. To understand who Amerigo Vespucci was is to look at his life and times in that time period. This paper is an attempt to look at his history and try to get a better understanding of his life in the â€Å"Age of Discovery†. To have an understanding of Vespucci is to remember that to the day of his death, Columbus persisted in claiming he was in parts of Asia. This is part of the old world mentality and shows that Columbus never fully comprehended the achievements of his†¦show more content†¦The cultural environment of Florence and the availability of printed books with many opportunities led Amerigo Vespucci to the sea and to complete the voyages Columbus failed to complete in the discovery of the mainland now know as the America’ s. Amerigo Vespucci was born on March 9, 1454, the first year of the new age of printed material. He was the third son of Ser Natasagio Vespucci and was named for his grandfather. â€Å"The Vespucci family was considered one of the most cultured and respected aristocratic families of Florence.†[Pohl 14]. Amerigo was influenced by his uncle, Giorgio Vespucci a scholar and collector of manuscripts. His uncle taught him the physical sciences which included the teachings of Aristotle and Ptolemy. This included astronomy, cosmography and geography which will mold Amerigo into a well rounded person of the times. Amerigo acquired a love for Vergil, Dante, and Petrarch under the watchful eye of his uncle and became very skillful in mathematics and Latin. This education would also spark the investigation and inquiry into the voyages of Columbus in his search for the spice trade to the west. Amerigo’s father wanted his son to enter the commercial life of the mercantile career that w as a custom for a son in those days. based on his aptitude and educational training, Amerigo had the qualities to become the next Vespucci to advance family business. â€Å"Fifteenth-Century intellectuals were more disposed to respect learning of the pastShow MoreRelatedSailing with Vespucci546 Words   |  2 PagesSailing with Vespucci If I were to ride aboard the ship in the age of exploration, I would choose Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy on March 9, 1951. He was one of the first Europeans to believe that the land Columbus had discovered was not the Indies, but rather an entirely new continent. 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